Change your view can change you?

This is very interesting topic called Change your view can change you. There's are so many things that happen to you in your past. I know, because your in me. If you find yourself , then you see , you listen , you talk, even you touch everything that exist in this universe.
You may confuse, that is the common reaction.

 "you see what you don't see" "you think what you want to think "  "plant a seed, in your mind" "remove barriers which you build"
                   "Feel every drop fall, ray of light that move in a space, 
                    every star that shine,how waves pull in ocean
                    every planet move , listen every heartbeat, sound 
                    how ice melt, see whole universe inside you "

You  see what you don't see:
                        Metaphorically, this represent you see with your eyes that you never see before, I know you think, am i insane? You imagine any dream you want to achieve. Dreams are bad, Dreams give you a dim of light called hope on which everything build. I tell you story which read long ago, but i never understand it, But today i know what's story? There's a king who want that his son become a successful emperor like him. So I send him to master and tell what he wanted? The master and son go towards deep jungle.  In a deep jungle, master ask him "see what you don't see, listen what you don't hear, feel what that's hidden".
The master said, "Tomorrow ,I  will ask you about?" and go back to his house. The child sat quietly and try to listen, but he listen crips of birds, snakes rattles etc. Next his master ask the boy "What you listen?" he replay politely "bird crips, snakes rattles" etc. His master said
"Good, tell me more". He replay "sorry master, i can only those sounds" His master said"try onces again", Tomorrow , "I will ask you". Child try again but he listen same sounds, which already told his master. He try again and again , same results. Next Day his master ask "Tell more", i replay him "Same sounds", His master say him "Listen what you don't listen, See what you don't see, feel what you don't feel". Child think every time my master ask me "Tell more but i don't new sound". Child take deep breath and close his eyes and focus his master question. Then he listen, birds crips, snakes rattles. Results same, so he think his master lesson what he want to teach him. So he try again , but this time "different type of sounds he listen",  Next day his master repeat same question "Boy tell him, i listen birds crips, snake rattles, bees flying, flower blooming, ant chattering, a ray of light, a drop". His master say him, "Now you're ready to become  a king, Always remember a king can listen people heartbeat". Son take permission and go back , When he became king he is very generous,
kind heart king


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