Holy Quran speak in my language.

I know lot of scientist who discover are not muslim. I read one time " People who discover laws of nature , are those people which are choose by for this path" .

 He never mind if person is muslim or non muslim. Most of people say that Islam ; tell's us take your bag or go to majsid , but this not a case. Holy prophet (pbuh) once said in the battle of badar "if you teach our 10 childerns ; how to read and write , I will free all the prisoners. Or the First revlation from Lord regarding pen and clot . Pen represent " what we know " and clot represent what you don't know but you can know if you want to . Holy Quran say each and everything about past , future and even present. Some people say it's a just a holy book, nope it's a guidence for everyone, Perhaps Quran speak in every language. We don't understand it because we don't want to communicate. Latest discovery in physics ( blackhole) also mention in Holy Quran but again those who are choosen by or those who have coursity to knowledge more can know more.

A lover always drink in love ,  without drink how the lover move on the path?


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